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Chapter 6 Permissions and Writer Beware

Chapter six topics
  • Getting permissions
  • Quoting music lyrics
  • Writer beware
Getting permissions
QUESTION: Do I need permission from the web site owner to talk about his site or quote from it?

Perhaps not, legally, but maybe so. However, during my research to create this course (and when I periodically update it) routinely requesting permission from each site owner, as I've been doing annually for ten years, has morfed into notifying each web site owner that I've linked them. The process plays an increasingly important roll in my success.

In my e-mailed notification I include the URL where I've linked them, and explain my intended use. I not only receive hundreds of thank you replies, but along with them an abundance of good luck wishes, and an occasional job offer!

Some site owners reciprocate by including information on their websites about Access The World and Write Your Way To $$$, and link me!

Best of all, I often receive some wonderful insights to the site-content that I'd otherwise miss. Just about every place in this material where I include in-depth information with the URL it came from a quote I received as a result of following this courtesy protocol!

Occasionally I receive a request to remove the link, but a reason for that is always given. I send a thank you right back, saying I will not include the site. Then I search for a suitable alternative.

The time I spend sending notifications avoids difficulties, builds an ever-expanding network of writers, and results in friendships which I maintain. It's time very well spent.

It pays to be thoughtful and courteous when you want to use what other people create.

Example of my notification:
Dear ......

First, thank you for the wealth of information you provide on your website. I've directed students from all over the world to visit.

I have included your URL link in my free writing course, Access The World And Write Your Way To $$$,, in appropriate chapters and in Advice From Professionals section here, A contents index is here, A link to Access The World And Write Your Way To $$$ will also be embedded in Montana Scribbler,, and it's expected that an increasing number of writers will ask to link.

****** I do not include content from any web sites. The intent of the course is to help writers find what they need, and encourage them to study. ****

My course is not designed to encourage students to PAY to learn. Because, when I began what eventually turned into a career in writing, I was too poor and couldn't afford classes. Thus, my primary goal is providing a FREE guide to excellent FREE online education resources; and to alert them to the opportunities and pitfalls in the business of writing.

I have linked you here, (insert post tag and URL)

Please let me know if you have any objection, or would like to add anything. Let me know why you object to being linked and your wishes will be honored immediately.

I'd certainly appreciate it if you linked or promoted me, using any or all of the following,
Montana Scribbler,
Access The World and Write Your Way To $$$,
Advice From The Pros,

For ten years, the e-mailed based version of this course has been received by students world-wide.

Thank you for your time, and I'll appreciate your suggestions.

Mona Vanek, Freelance Writer\Author\Instructor
# # # # # # # #

Songwriters register their works with organizations that channel royalties to them. Broadcast Music, Inc. (BMI), represents 140,000 U.S. songwriters and composers and over 60,000 U.S. publishers.

Read here first:, to understand how to use BMI.

Locate song title, writer, publisher, and artist by scrolling to the links near the page bottom.

Other music-writers organizations include American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers ("ASCAP") ASCAP members are "authors" as composers and lyricists. ASCAP's focus is on "music" writing. Further, ASCAP expects all users of its website to follow its terms and conditions. E-mail:

ASCAP and BMI license, on behalf of its members and affiliates, the right to perform copyrighted music publicly. Also add, where you discuss ASCAP, that one can search online for song title, author and publisher through ASCAP's ACE Database found on ASCAP's website.

Music rights
Permission to quote the lyrics of a song is called print rights. You will need to obtain this permission directly from the publisher who owns the rights to the song. You can locate the copyright owner by sending an e-mail query to:

Also, to find out publisher information for song titles, please contact ASCAP @ 212 621-6160, www,, or BMI @ 212 586-2000,

Writer beware
The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, Inc. HOME page offers great information for writers:

Become a frequent visitor to:

  • Get permission from an online source to quote material for a (real or imagined) story.
 Next, Chapter 7 - Resources:

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